Public Projects

Bids Due in 14 days
2/27/25 2:00pm
Arroyo Pool Replastering Project, CIP No. ET8331
Bids Due in 14 days
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The work shall include removal and re-plastering of Arroyo Recreation Pool, overflow grate removal and replacement, tile replacement, concrete crack repairs, handrail anchor replacements, main drain cover replacement, and removal and replacement of the water feature and all incidentals, in accordance with the intent of the Project Plans and Specifications.
Bids Due in 22 days
3/7/25 10:00am
RFP - On-Call General Professional Engineering Services
Bids Due in 22 days
City of Davis
Davis, CA
Services may include general consulting; civil engineering; land surveying; Capital Improvement Program project design, construction support and management; computer or manual drafting; Graphical User Interface (GIS) implementation; private development application reviews, staff augmentation, construction inspection, architectural design services, assistance with feasibility studies, utility modeling, project management, and other tasks associated with Public Works infrastructure design, construction, and/or operation as assigned and directed by the City.
Bidding Closed
12/20/24 10:00am
Annual Prequalification Invitation for Construction Projects 2025
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The City of Davis requests prequalification submissions from qualified contractors interested in providing construction services such as (1) Grading and/or Paving, (2) Electrical (Site and/or Facility), (3) Underground Utilities, (4) Mechanical – Plumbing and/or HVAC, (5) Concrete Sidewalk, (6) Lift Stations, (7) Water, (8) WWTP, (9) Sewer, (10) Roofs, (11) Remodels or other projects for the upcoming 2025 construction season.
Bidding Closed
11/15/24 4:00pm
Prequalification Invitation for Construction Project WWTP Primary Sedimentation Basin No. 3
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant, located at 45400 County Road 28H, Davis, CA 95616, needs rehabilitation of its Primary Sedimentation Basin No. 3, Distribution Channel and Grit Basin with concrete resurfacing.
Bidding Closed
11/14/24 4:00pm
RFP - 2025-28 Crossing Guard Services
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The City of Davis is seeking a qualified crossing guard company to provide crossing guard services to the City of Davis between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2028.
Bidding Closed
12/6/24 5:00pm
RFQ for Qualified Contractors List 2025
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The City of Davis is subject to the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act for informal bidding (Public Contract Code section 22000, et seq.) This allows the Public Works – Engineering and Transportation Department to informally bid construction projects (as defined in the Public contract Code) having a project cost of $200,000 or less.
Bidding Closed
10/11/24 10:00am
RFP On-Call Transportation Planning and Engineering Services for City of Davis Public Works
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
Bidding Closed
10/11/24 2:00pm
RFQ Prequalification Invitation - Mace Overpass Fence Repair, CIP No. ET0009
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The Mace Boulevard Overpass fence, located on the Mace Boulevard overcrossing of Interstate 80 (I-80) in Davis, needs to be repaired.
Bidding Closed
8/14/24 2:00pm
2024 Pavement Rehabilitation Project - Colusa Ave & Juniper Ave Rehab Package, CIP No. ET8250
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The work shall include, but not be limited to, mobilization and demobilization, public notification, traffic control, stage construction, clearing, grubbing, environmental protection, potholing, adjusting and replacing utility boxes and covers, concrete improvements (e.g., curb and gutter, sidewalk and ADA/PROWAG compliant curb ramps), removing asphalt concrete (AC) surfacing and base materials, subgrade preparation and compaction, grading, full-depth hot-mix asphalt (HMA) paving, conventional road reconstruction with aggregate base, geogrid, and HMA, traffic striping, markings, and markers, and incidentals for various streets.
Bidding Closed
8/30/24 4:00pm
RFQ Prequalification Invitation for Sewer Lift Station No. 3 Rehabilitation, CIP No. 8275
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The construction project will include the following improvements: Construction of a new lift station while existing lift station remains in operation; Construction of a new 4” force main across Denison Drive and East Covell Boulevard; Abandonment of the existing dry pit pump station; Abandonment or removal of pipes, electrical and other infrastructure; Demolition of the existing water well concrete pad and equipment; Installation of electrical panels and instrumentation; Installation of concrete and asphalt surfacing, fencing and site improvements.