Public Projects

Bids due in 23 days
10/11/24 10:00am
RFP On-Call Transportation Planning and Engineering Services for City of Davis Public Works
Bids due in 23 days
City of Davis
Davis, CA
Bids due in 2 months
12/11/24 2:00pm
RFQ Prequalification Invitation - Mace Overpass Fence Repair, CIP No. ET0009
Bids due in 2 months
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The Mace Boulevard Overpass fence, located on the Mace Boulevard overcrossing of Interstate 80 (I-80) in Davis, needs to be repaired.
Bidding Closed
8/14/24 2:00pm
2024 Pavement Rehabilitation Project - Colusa Ave & Juniper Ave Rehab Package, CIP No. ET8250
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The work shall include, but not be limited to, mobilization and demobilization, public notification, traffic control, stage construction, clearing, grubbing, environmental protection, potholing, adjusting and replacing utility boxes and covers, concrete improvements (e.g., curb and gutter, sidewalk and ADA/PROWAG compliant curb ramps), removing asphalt concrete (AC) surfacing and base materials, subgrade preparation and compaction, grading, full-depth hot-mix asphalt (HMA) paving, conventional road reconstruction with aggregate base, geogrid, and HMA, traffic striping, markings, and markers, and incidentals for various streets.
Bidding Closed
8/30/24 4:00pm
RFQ Prequalification Invitation for Sewer Lift Station No. 3 Rehabilitation, CIP No. 8275
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The construction project will include the following improvements: Construction of a new lift station while existing lift station remains in operation; Construction of a new 4” force main across Denison Drive and East Covell Boulevard; Abandonment of the existing dry pit pump station; Abandonment or removal of pipes, electrical and other infrastructure; Demolition of the existing water well concrete pad and equipment; Installation of electrical panels and instrumentation; Installation of concrete and asphalt surfacing, fencing and site improvements.
Bidding Closed
8/9/24 2:00pm
G Street Activation Project, CIP No. ET0029
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The work shall include mobilization, public notification, traffic control; and consist of installing raised platforms for outdoor business seating, string lighting along the platforms installed along poles, and public shared pedestrian space- between 2nd and 3rd Street.
Bidding Closed
8/13/24 2:00pm
F Street Parking Structure Elevator Modernization
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The work shall include the modernization of the F Street Parking Structure’s single elevator.
Bidding Closed
7/17/24 2:00pm
2024 Pavement Rehab Shared Use Path, CIP No. 8250
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The work shall include, but not be limited to, mobilization and demobilization, public notification, traffic control, clearing, grubbing, environmental protection, potholing, adjusting and replacing utility boxes and covers, concrete improvements, removal of existing various paved shared use paths, grading, placing geogrid, aggregate base, and hot-mix asphalt (HMA) paving, and incidentals for various shared use paths.
Bidding Closed
6/26/24 2:00pm
Veterans Memorial Theater Siding Replacement Project, CIP No. ET0016
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Veterans Memorial Theater Siding Replacement Project, CIP No. ET0016 : The work shall include demolition and general construction including but not limited to replacement of the existing redwood siding; installation of new wood siding; patching; repairing and recoating existing glued-laminated beams; installing new glued-laminated beams; replacement of sheet metal flashings and coping; installation of new metal and pvc downspout and site drainage lines; temporary removal of existing mechanical and electrical equipment to allow installation of siding; sheet metal flashing and trim; weather barriers, insulation; painting and staining; as well as the removal of the existing loading dock door and installation of a new, large, double-swing sound control door.
Bidding Closed
6/18/24 2:00pm
2023 Speed Hump Installation Project, CIP No. ET8783
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
Davis, CA
The work shall include mobilization, public notification, traffic control; and installing speed humps at various locations of Temple Dr and Cannery Loop within city limit in accordance with the intent of the Project Plans and Specifications.
Bidding Closed
6/13/24 1:30pm
Central Park Revitalization Project, CIP No. ET004
Bidding Closed
City of Davis
David, CA